Our Staff
We have a wonderful team of talented and devoted leaders.
PASTOR, Rev. Vernon Van Hise
Chancel Choir Director, Elizabeth Campbell
Director OF MUSIC, Gloria Snyder
Leadership Teams
In addition to our staff, our church is also lead by:
Clerk: Art Charlton
Governing body of the church comprised of Elders elected by the church members
Board of Deacons
Chair: Ruthann Arras
Servants of the church who deliver flowers and visit the home-centered and sick, and host additional meals and events throughout the year
Worship Team
Chair: Donna Van Norman
Plans special worship services and decorations
Mission Team
Chair: Nancy Udut
Coordinates opportunities to serve the community
Property Team
Chair: Rich Linnell
Maintains upkeep of church building and property
Personnel Team
Chair: Bud Martin
Oversees all staff related issues including annual reviews
Stewardship/Finance Team
Chair: Bill Schroeher
Plans and reports church finances and stewardship needed to meet our mission
Community Connections Team
Chair: Susan Mackay
Manages the website and social media pages and plans interaction with the community
““The gifts [God] gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ until all of us come to the unity of the faith…””