Jesus fed the hungry.

As followers of Jesus, we know we are called to actively love our neighbors. In the Fall of 2021, our church community began a campaign to actively address hunger in Easton. Sign up for our weekly emails for ways you can help.


Blessing Box - Mini Community Food Pantry

blessing box boy scout Easton PA lehigh valley mission hunger
blessing box church Easton PA food pantry

A mini community food pantry is now in our front garden, where locals who are struggling to have enough to eat can find free, non-perishable food and personal hygiene items. Our Mission Team now needs help keeping it stocked.

FPCE’s Mission Team learned that local Eagle Scout Mason Kessler, through the Lehigh Valley Business Group, was offering to create and install Blessing Boxes throughout the Lehigh Valley. Several had already been constructed, free of charge, in Easton. Our Session approved its installation and the Blessing Box was added to our garden. Church members who want to help fill the Blessing Box may sign up for a week on the sheet at the church, or email the church office.

Anyone in the community can add non-perishable items to the box at anytime. If the box is full when you try to add donations, please contact our church office with the buzzer at the back of the building, or by calling 610-253-3579. We can store the donations inside until space is available.

Suggestion Donations: peanut butter • canned tuna • canned pasta • canned beans • canned fruit • canned vegetables • crackers • single-serve cereal • shelf-stable milk • bottled water • travel size toiletries

Photos from the Blessing Box dedication on Sept. 19th, 2021. Watch a video here.

Free Blessing Box Coloring Page!

Download a free activity page for kids in your life here, or by clicking on the image.

Help kids think of items to draw onto the shelves of the empty blessing box and explain how there are people who are hungry and in need of food donations right now.

After coloring, see if your kids want to help you look through your own pantry to see if you already have some extra items to donate.

Pasta for ProJeCt

Pasta for ProJeCt. Your donation of boxed pasta, canned pasta, microwaveable pasta, and/or peanut butter can be placed in the basket in the sanctuary on the first Sunday of the month, or brought to the church until the following Tuesday, when donations are delivered to ProJeCt. Learn more about ProJeCt here.

Safe Harbor Dinners

Any group or family can provide a meal, which is donated, cooked, and delivered by the group. The dinner should serve around 40-50 people.

  • Delivery time is between 5:30 and 5:45pm; dinner is served at 6:00pm.

  • Coffee and drinks will be provided by Safe Harbor. Please bring small paper plates for dessert.

  • All cleanup is taken care of by the residents.

Our dates are now filled for the rest of the year. For next year, you can sign up at the church on Sunday, or by calling the church office. If you have questions, email Nancy Udut (