10:30 AM Worship
We are offering in-person worship. We will still offer online worship through our Facebook page, and a recording of our service will be available here at 12:30pm on Sundays.
At First Presbyterian, we welcome people from all walks of life. If you would like to explore life in Christ with a group of people who are lively, inquisitive, and deeply committed to showing God’s love, we invite you to join us on Sundays at 10:30 AM.
Our Mission
We strive to be a vital and engaged congregation
by increasing our devotion to God,
our fellowship with one another,
and our outreach to all
so that we may be a witness to Jesus Christ
in our community and world.
First Presbyterian Church of Easton is a member of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and of the Lehigh Presbytery.
Vital Church with a Heart for Mission.
Here are some of the ways we love God and each other at First Presbyterian.
Traditional worship service with contemporary touches
Chancel Choir & Handbell Choir
Adult Education
Stewardship Support & Programs
“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.”