Welcome to First Presbyterian!
Here’s a quick look at what you can expect at a typical Sunday Service.
Sunday Service
Our 10:30 AM traditional service is approximately 60 minutes.
We are a warm and welcoming body of believers. Our worship follows the Order of Worship from the Book of Common Worship of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). We give you a user-friendly printed outline of the service each week to walk you through every step.
We record and stream each service (on Facebook and our website).
Where to Park
Off-Street Parking is available in the lot behind our building. Enter the parking lot from Bank Street. Any space is available for parking on Sunday morning, with two spaces reserved for handicapped drivers.
For Children:
Diaper Changing Stations are available in the restrooms on the first floor.
The back parking lot entrance is handicap accessible. An elevator is located near the rear stairway (by the back parking lot doors). Hearing Assistance is also available if needed. Ask an usher for one of the headsets that connect to an audio box. Please return the set after the service.
Coffee Hour
Please join us after the service for fellowship and refreshments in the Legacy Hall, located in our lowest level.
Interested in learning what it means to become a member of this church?
We can schedule meetings for those who may be interested in exploring membership. These gatherings are a perfect opportunity to ask questions about anything regarding faith and practice.
Please call the church office at 610-253-3579 if you are interested in learning more.