Addressing child poverty, hunger, homelessness and education with our mission partners

Project of Easton                          

Easton Area Community Center

Easton Area Neighborhood         

Family Connection               

Third Street Alliance            

Youthful Faces (Kenya)       

PCUSA Pentecost Offering        


Free Blessing Box Coloring Page!

Download a free activity page for kids in your life here, or by clicking on the image.

Help kids think of items to draw onto the shelves of the empty blessing box and explain how there are people who are hungry and in need of food donations right now.

After coloring, see if your kids want to help you look through your own pantry to see if you already have some extra items to donate.

Pasta for ProJeCt

Pasta for ProJeCt. Your donation of boxed pasta, canned pasta, microwaveable pasta, and/or peanut butter can be placed in the basket in the sanctuary on the first Sunday of the month, or brought to the church until the following Tuesday, when donations are delivered to ProJeCt. Learn more about ProJeCt here.